Table Performance Type

Use this option to define the performance curve selecting one reference parameter (cumulative production/injection or elapsed time) and calculating the main fluid (and optionally secondary fluids) as a function of it by means of a table. You can use either dimensional or dimensionless values, and choose between cumulative, instant rate and average rate data for the calculated values. Intermediate values are calculated using linear interpolation in the Rate/Time space.

The table shows first the independent column with the reference parameter, and then one dependent column for each fluid calculated as a function of it.

Independent column: Select the base parameter:

  • Time: Time elapsed since the well first went online.
  • Cum: Cumulative production/injection of the well so far.
Time here does not refer to actual simulation time but to an ideal time without constraints. See further under How PetroVR calculates simulated curves and constraint impact in Well Performance Tab.

Data type: Select the input format for defining fluid performance curves:

  • Cums: Enter cumulative values for the elapsed time given by the independent column. Only available for time-dependent curves.
  • Instant Rates: Enter rates corresponding to the exact point given by the independent column.
  • Average Rates: Enter the average rate of the range between a row and that in the preceding (not the following) row. In the first row, the value is the average between 0 and the production corresponding to the range.

Make dimensional / Make dimensionless: Switch between using dimensional (i.e., with specific Units) and dimensionless (with ratios) values in all the columns of the table (except for the Time parameter, which is always dimensional).

Add component / Remove component: Add/remove fluid components in order to enter a performance for each. Only enabled when the Well behaves as an isolated reservoir option in the is activated.

Oil / Gas, Water, Total Liquid: Enable/disable secondary fluids. The parameter for each depend first on the Data type selected: cumulative data require total values, whereas rate data require initial and/or instant rate values. All fluids can be entered Active table as a column in the table - that is, based on the Independent column - or Table as a single base value. For all values not entered as a column in a dimensional table you need to enter a base value, which in the case of dimensional tables is the final value, and in the case of dimensionless tables will be multiplied by the factor in the table to obtain the final value. The base value in turn can be either absolute or relative to the main fluid by means of a ratio.

This table summarizes the parameters specific to each secondary fluid (Gas gas, Oil Oil, Water Water and Total Liquid Total Liquid):

    Absolute Base Value Ratio Dependent base value relative base value
Cum Dimensional Active table Tabular Gas Oil Water Total LiquidGas Oil Water Total Liquid - Gas Oil Water Total Liquid -
Table Single Gas Gas Instant Rate Oil Oil Instant Rate Water Water Instant Rate Total LiquidGas GOR Oil Oil Yield Water WC (Oil production well)
Water Yield (Gas production well) Total Liquid -
Gas GOR Oil Oil Yield Water WC (Oil production well)
Water Yield (Gas production well) Total Liquid Total Liquid Yield
Dimensionless Active table Tabular Gas Total Gas Cum Oil Total Oil Cum Water Total Water Cum Total LiquidGas GOR Oil Oil Yield Water WC (Oil production well)
Water Yield (Gas production well) Total Liquid -
Gas Total GOR Oil Total Oil Yield Water Total WC (Oil production well)
Total Water Yield (Gas production well) Total Liquid TL/O
Table Single Gas Gas Instant Rate Oil Oil Instant Rate Water Water Instant Rate Total Liquid Total Liquid Instant Rate Gas GOR Oil Oil Yield Water WC (Oil production well)
Water Yield (Gas production well) Total Liquid TL/O
Gas GOR Oil Oil Yield Water WC (Oil production well)
Water Yield (Gas production well) Total Liquid Total Liquid Yield
Rate Dimensional Active table Tabular Gas Oil Water Total LiquidGas Oil Water Total Liquid - Gas Oil Water Total Liquid -
Table Single Gas Gas Instant Rate Oil Oil Instant Rate Water Water Instant Rate
Total Liquid
Gas GOR Oil Oil Yield Water WC (Oil production well)
Water Yield (Gas production well) Total Liquid -
Gas GOR Oil Oil Yield Water WC (Oil production well)
Total Water Yield (Gas production well) Total Liquid Total Liquid Yield
Dimensionless Active table Tabular Gas Gas Rate Oil Oil Rate Water Water Rate Total LiquidGas GOR Oil Oil Yield Water WC (Oil production well)
Water Yield (Gas production well) Total Liquid -
Gas GOR Oil Oil Yield Water WC (Oil production well)
Water Yield (Gas production well) Total Liquid TL/O
Table Single Gas Gas Instant Rate Oil Oil Instant Rate Water Water Instant Rate Total LiquidGas GOR Oil Oil Yield Water WC (Oil production well)
Water Yield (Gas production well) Total Liquid TL/O
Gas GOR Oil Oil Yield Water WC (Oil production well)
Water Yield (Gas production well) Total Liquid Total Liquid Yield

Max Total Liquid Rate (Oil production well Oil producer) / Max Gas Rate (Gas production well Gas producer): Check this box to set a maximum for the total liquid (oil + water) or gas the well can produce or, by un-checking the Absolute checkbox, at a certain percentage of the initial rate. In effect, then, it models a mechanical limit to the well's potential production independently from reserves or pressure drives, and in effect works similarly to a choking produced by a constraint in the facility that receives its production.

Abandon when last row is reached (injectors only): Check to abandon the well the moment the injection curve reaches the last row of the table. If left unchecked, the well will maintain the last value indefinitely.

The Table performance type is also used when the shared performance option is enabled in a reservoir Well Communication Tab. In this case, the performance is edited not in the Well Performance tab but at the Performance Groups level. If the independent column is set to Cum, the Oil Cum / Gas Cum of the table refers to the production of the whole reservoir (i.e., the added cumulative production of all its wells so far.)

If you have already entered data with a given configuration and then change the data type and/or the independent column, PetroVR tries to preserve the existing data. The conversion however can be a complex process involving linear interpolation, and sometimes necessitates the addition of new rows, so the result may not be exact and in any case will require review.

The data type Cum / Average Rate, generally used when only average production data is available, e.g. historic average annual rates, requires an internal conversion to instant rates, which PetroVR performs internally using a histogram fitting technique.